In vitro Studies
related to Fermented Vegetable Extract OM-X
We perform in vitro studies (test tube experiments) with the fermented vegetable extract OM-X (OM-X extract). These studies are absolutely imperative to understand the potential functions that the OM-X extract may contain. Continuing these ordinary studies holds the potential to make a major discovery.

Metabolome Analysis
In-house study data
We discovered that the fermented vegetable extract OM-X contains over 400 kinds of various nutrients.
We predicted that a large number of fermented metabolic compounds, which were produced by fermenting dozens of vegetable materials with lactic acid bacteria, are contained in OM-X extract. We performed metabolome analysis in order to find these compounds exhaustively.
Metabolome analysis is a method to analyze in-depth water-soluble and fat-soluble low molecular weight compounds with the combination of different methods. This method conclusively detects various nutritional components present in OM-X extract.
Beyond our expectation, the study revealed that OM-X extract contains more than 400 types of nutrients, including compounds that are similar to neurotransmitters and hormones, as well as DHA and EPA. 60 kinds of organic acids which are important for the intestinal environment were also found.
These compounds are produced by going through a repetition of fermentation and maturation processes over a long period of time, and will work effectively when they are absorbed in the human body.

Prebiotic Effect
In-house study data
The fermented vegetable extract OM-X (OM-X extract) promotes the proliferation of various lactic acid bacteria which in turn plays a role of prebiotics.
We examined the OM-X extract to see if it stimulates the proliferation of lactic acid bacteria which are typical good bacteria (prebiotics effect).
We conducted this study on 6 different strains of lactic acid bacteria. We prepared 2 types of culture media for the proliferation of lactic acid bacteria: a medium with the application of 1% of the OM-X extract and a medium without OM-X. Then, we observed the proliferating potential of each strain.
Genus lactobacillus (Lactobacillus fermentum, L. brevis, L. halveticus, L. casei and L. plantarum) and genus streptococcus (Streptococcus thermophilus) showed greater proliferation potencies in the culture medium where the OM-X extract was applied than the other medium without OM-X. In the previous study, we observed greater proliferation potencies in the culture medium where the OM-X extract was applied than other media with applying dietary fiber or oligosaccharides. These results suggested that the OM-X extract plays a role of prebiotics for good bacteria.

Accumulation of Active Ingredients
Annual Conference of the Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry (2010)
The fermented vegetable extract OM-X (OM-X extract) showed an increment of levels of contained polyphenols and melanoidins proportionally with the prolongation of its fermentation and maturation periods.
The OM-X extract gains more food functionalities by undergoing fermentation and maturation processes. We examined the level of polyphenols which are known to be a functional ingredient from plants and melanoidins which are known to be a functional ingredient from fermented foods including Miso and Soy sauce.
Melanoidins are a functional ingredient that is formed when sugars and amino acids combine through the Maillard reaction. We refined the OM-X extract in order to remain the absorption wavelength in A450nm and measured it with a spectrophotometer. We measured polyphenols with Folin-Denis assay.
The contained amount of melanoidins in the OM-X extract increased drastically over time, especially an increment level after the second year was prominent. The contained amount of polyphenols also increased drastically over time. These results suggested that the OM-X extract gains more functional ingredients like melanoidins and polyphenols by undergoing a prolonged unheated fermentation process.

Antioxidant Property, ACE-Inhibiting Activity
Annual Conference of the Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry (2010)
The fermented vegetable extract OM-X (OM-X extract) showed an increment of its antioxidant activity and inhibitory activity of blood pressure elevation that is proportional to its fermentation and maturation periods.
The OM-X extract undergoes fermentation and maturation processes for a maximum of 5 years. We examined a shift of its antioxidant activity and inhibitory activity of blood pressure through its fermentation and maturation periods.
We measured the level of DPPH radical-scavenging activity in order to examine the potential level of the antioxidant activity of the OM-X extract. Subsequently, we measured the level of angiotensin converting enzyme-inhibiting activity (ACE-inhibiting activity) as an index of inhibitory activity of blood pressure elevation.
The OM-X extract undergoes unheated processes for fermentation and maturation for a long time. The extract was sampled immediately after the start of fermentation, after 6 months, 2 years and 5 years to see its food functionality. The level of DPPH radical-scavenging activity, the index of the antioxidant activity, was increased in process of time. The ACE-inhibiting activity which is the index of inhibitory activity of blood pressure elevation also increased over time. These results suggested that the OM-X extract gains more food functionalities by undergoing prolonged unheated fermentation processes.

Antibacterial Activity (Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
In-house study data
The fermented vegetable extract OM-X showed an antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa that causes green nails.
When nails turn green, one of the reasons is a type of bacterial infection that causes this condition. The green discoloration occurs when Pseudomonas aeruginosa infects the nails. We examined the antimicrobial activity of OM-X extract against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa was grown on a petri dish. A paper disk soaked with OM-X extract was placed in the center of the petri dish and cultured. If an antibacterial reaction occurs, an inhibition ring against bacteria is formed. We examined the antibacterial activity by measuring the size of the inhibition ring
OM-X extract formed a large inhibition ring against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This means that it showed an antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. OM-X also showed a high antibacterial activity against various other bacteria causing food poisoning and in-hospital infection such as Clostridium difficile during similar examinations.

Analysis of D-amino Acids
In-house study data
The fermented vegetable extract OM-X contains a special D-amino acid indispensable for keeping the skin beautiful.
Besides amino acids that form proteins in the body (L-amino acids), D-amino acids are present in nature and in fermented foods. Lately, D-amino acids are being recognized as essential compounds for keeping the skin beautiful. The level of D-amino acids naturally declines as a result of aging. We performed an analysis to detect D-amino acids present in OM-X extract.
OM-X extract was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. D-amino acids were isolated under special conditions, and their types and quantities were measured.
Based on this examination, we found that a total of seven kinds of D-amino acids exist in OM-X extract, especially a large amount of D-proline, D-aspartic acid, D-alanine, and D-leucine were detected.
According to other studies, intestinal bacteria produce D-amino acids through intestinal fermentation. The result from our examination suggested that during the fermentation process that takes place in production of OM-X, the same synthesis of D-amino acids occurs.

GLP-1 Stimulating Action
Integrative Molecular Medicine. 4, 1-5 (2017)
The fermented vegetable extract OM-X stimulates digestive tract cells that have been extracted from rats and promotes the production of a gastrointestinal hormone GLP-1.
GLP-1 secreted from the gastrointestinal tract is one kind of gastrointestinal hormone that promotes the secretion of insulin to lower the blood glucose level. We examined the relationship between OM-X extract and secretory capacity of GLP-1.
We added OM-X extract to gastrointestinal cells extracted from rats and measured the change in the production of GLP-1, a hormone promoting insulin secretion.
Once we added OM-X extract to the gastrointestinal cells derived from rats, the production of GLP-1 increased. This action was enhanced with the increase in the concentration of the added OM-X extract.
Although the data is not displayed here, in the same research paper, we showed the activation of the immune system by adding OM-X extract to macrophage-like cells. And further, an examination of genes in the liver of OM-X mice confirmed the anti-inflammatory effect and the cell protective effect.